Women's Rights Week

On 14 March 2024, Johanna Dirlewanger-Luecke, President of Volt Belgium, moderated the discussion on women in politics organized by Volt in the framework of the Brussels Week on Women’s Rights.

Mar 16, 2024

The three panelists, Isabella Sofia De Gregorio, women’s rights activist, and Ulrike Fuss and Suzana Carp, both lead-candidates for Volt at the up-coming regional and European elections, talked about different obstacles to their freedom of speech and political activism, from the lack of role models, to stereotypes, sexualisation, and too easily tolerated verbal and physical violence. The participants further enriched the lively debate with their own experiences, the observation that the issues debated have been recurrent without much change during the last years, and a reference to the Gender Equality Index of the European Gender Equality Institute. Volt is striving to form a political group in the European Parliament after the elections of 9 June to put women’s rights again high on the political agenda. For a follow-up, Volt Brussels is planning further events on women in peacebuilding and in the media. Stay in the loop by subscribing to our newsletter.

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