Think European, act local

Volt Europa op de trappen voor de Beurs

We are Volt, the pan-European political party. For us, European cooperation lies at the heart of our vision. Because today’s societal challenges – such as climate change and migration – are shared with our neighbours and demand a collaborative approach that transcends borders.
Together, we are stronger!

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Our people, your voice

We are Volt, the pan-European political party. For us, European cooperation lies at the heart of our vision. Because today’s societal challenges – such as climate change and migration – are shared with our neighbours and demand a collaborative approach that transcends borders.
Together, we are stronger!

What does Volt stand for?

Empowering cooperation across generations and borders, we are shaping a European story of positive politics. Our approach transcends national boundaries, as we draw inspiration from the best European practices - including Utrecht's cycling infrastructure, Barcelona's urban planning and Vienna's model for affordable housing.

Our political themes