FAQ & Contact
Be sure to read the FAQ here below. If you have any other questions or remarks, please contact us by mail.
How do I join and how much does it cost?
Fantastic that you want to be Volter! You can find the application form here: Become member!
For a membership you pay a minimum of €1,- per month (€12 per year) for the reduced tier, but everyone is welcome to pay a higher amount. The contribution is calculated for the remaining months of the year.
How can I donate to Volt?
How nice that you want to support Volt! On this page you will find our most recent fundraising campaign. If you would like to make a larger donation, please contact the fundraising team directly via [email protected].
I am already a member of Volt. How can I become active?
As a young organisation we can use all the help! Feel like thinking and doing something? Check out our vacancy-page or contact one of our regional teams and/or come to work at Volt!
Where can I find the statutes of Volt Belgium and Volt Europe?
The most up-to-date version of the articles of association and internal regulations of both Volt Belgium and Volt Europa can be found here.
How do I unsubscribe as a member?
Send an e-mail to [email protected].
Can I gain insight into the big donations Volt receives?
Volt believes that transparency is at the root of trust in politics. That is why Volt sets a good example in this area. We do this, among other things, with an overview of all larger donations (above € 500,- per year per person) to be published in our annual reports and here on the site.
How do I cancel my recurring donations?
Unsubscribe by sending an e-mail to [email protected].
Can I request a speaker?
You can! Contact us via [email protected].