Get to know the first applicant lead candidates
We, the Electoral Board of Volt Belgium, are excited to share with you the applicants for the lead-candidate position for Volt Belgium’s Dutch-language list for the European Parliament.

We, the Electoral Board of Volt Belgium, are excited to share with you the applicants for the lead-candidate position for Volt Belgium’s Dutch-language list for the European Parliament, alphabetically:
Rebecca Baijer
Ulrike Fuss
Sophie in ‘t Veld
Richard Kelder
Erika Schulze
Bram Vandeninden
Alex Winnepenninckx
Fausto Zeevaert
In the course of the following days, the motivation letters of the applicants will be shared with our members through Google Drive.
On Monday 16th of October, from 20.00 to 22.00, the candidates will present themselves and their ideas for the European election in an online debate (in Dutch). Please join us on Google Meets
Soon we will also publish the names of the applicants for the lead-candidate position for the other lists. You can find the official list of applicants on our website, which will be updated accordingly.
At the national General Assembly of Volt Belgium on 28 October 2023 in Brussels, the members of Volt Belgium will elect our lead candidates for the June 2024 elections in Belgium. We look forward to see you numerous!
Join the change now!
With purple greetings,
Joachim Boonaert & Daniel Plas,
for the Electoral Board of Volt Belgium
Press and media enquiries:
Carlo Giovanni Giudice
Co-President of Volt Belgium
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +32 497 85 11 05