Volt offers new alternative in the political center
New parties need to participate in the June elections to revitalise Belgian democracy. Sophie in 't Veld, Member of the European Parliament and party leader for Volt Belgium, invited VRT-1 viewers to discover Volt.

New parties need to participate in the June elections to revitalise Belgian democracy. Sophie in 't Veld, Member of the European Parliament and party leader for Volt Belgium, invited VRT-1 viewers to discover Volt:
The political extremes on the right and the left are quite full in the Belgian party landscape. We see that the political centre, the progressive centre, has been eroded. And Volt wants to offer an alternative to the voter.
In the political talk show “De Zevende Dag” on VRT-1, in 't Veld stated that the Belgian “particracy” keeps their bastion jealously closed, while voters are increasingly showing that they are not satisfied with the established parties. Thousands of declarations of support are however required to merely participate in the elections. And the designated digital platform does not function properly!
Volt Belgium filed a complaint with Annelies Verlinden, Minister of the Interior, Institutional Reforms and Democratic Renewal, but it has remained unanswered to date. The high electoral thresholds and the exorbitant public financing of incumbent parties further contribute to a very uneven playing field.
“Vivaldi included Democratic Renewal in their coalition agreement, but did nothing for it in their three years of rule,” says in 't Veld. Volt Belgium wants citizens to be able to vote for concrete democratic innovation - and not to have to cast a protest vote or vote “blanco” - whereby “votes” are indirectly spread across all elected parties.
Sophie in 't Veld has decades of experience in European politics and has lived in Belgium for thirty years. Volt Belgium is innovative, European and open-hearted. Volt knows what moves local citizens:
We think about things like elderly care, access to childcare, social housing and the disappearance of bus stops. These are the things that people are concerned with," explains In 't Veld at De Zevende Dag (VRT-1).
Rewatch the episode of "De Zevende Dag" on VRT 1 via VRT MAX (from 01:17)
For media queries, please contact Volt Belgium Media Officer: Bianca Baumler, [email protected].