Newsletter week 39 - 2023 (EN)
The team at Volt Belgium hopes that you had a nice re-entry after the summer and that you are just excited as us for the coming autumn months! Since our last newsletter two weeks ago we organised interesting events, among which a Meet & Greet with MEP and Volt member Sophie in 't Veld, the presentation of the Brussels Regional Program at the Flemish Free University of Brussels and a street action on car free Sunday - more about it later!

Dear Volters,
This weeks newsletter we will have a look at
Look back at the last two weeks
Upcoming Events
Final reminder: Deadline for Lead candidates
General Assemblies
How you can help us!
Look back at the last two weeks
On Sunday 17 September, thousands of people descended to the streets in Brussels, enjoying the car-free city. Volt seized it as an opportunity to present to members and supporters the regional program for Brussels Capital Region. If you missed the presentation, you can find our federal and regional programs on our website! The presentation was followed by a street action in which Volters handed out flyers, talked to citizens and proudly showed our lovely purple T-Shirts. For many of our members this was the first time they had ever campaigned in their life, but certainly not the last time!
The following week, Volt Slovakia and Volt Belgium hosted together an inspiring meet and greet with MEP and Volt member Sophie in 't Veld. The event was held in light of the upcoming national elections in Slovakia and Volt's objective to collect signatures to register as a political party in Slovakia. Hosts Lucia and Rick, co-president of Volt Slovakia, discussed with Sophie the importance of citizens getting an interest in politics and mobilising for elections.
Last Thursday, our campaign leads Frank Davos and Marie Le Mouel organised a webinar with guests Juliet Broersen (Faction leader Volt Amsterdam) and Duarte Costa (Co-President of Volt Portugal and Co-Lead candidate for European Elections). If being a (lead) candidate for our elections next year is something for you and you missed this 40' webinar? Then you might be interested in hearing the recording here: Google Drive File. We apologise for the missing sound of the hosts. Can you correctly guess all questions?
Upcoming Events
We have planned some interesting and engaging events in the coming weeks, here some highlights:
Have a look at our events on our website for the details!
Final reminder: Deadline for Lead candidates
The Electoral Board has published on 20 August the call for candidates to become Volt Belgium's lead candidates for the 2024 June elections (European, Federal, Regional). The deadline to apply was postponed to 29 September (in two days from now). Please note that the lead candidate positions are restricted to Volt members. If you are not a member yet, this might be a good moment to become a member yourself. More information is available to our members here:
Explanatory Document (member access)
Form to apply as a Lead candidate (member access)
Note that all other positions on our lists are also open for non-members who agree with our vision and our values. More information about the regular list candidates will be published shortly by our Electoral Board. Should you have any questions, you can always contact them at [email protected].
General Assemblies
With deadlines for the application of lead candidates around the corner, we must soon vote on who we want to lead our lists in 2024. The Executive Committee and the Electoral Board of Volt Belgium are therefore delighted to invite you to Volt Belgium's Autumn General Assembly on 28 October 2023. As tradition goes, we will this time convene in Brussels following our previous in-personal General Assemblies having been in Wallonia (Namur, Spring 2023), Flanders (Leuven, Autumn 2022). The exact venue in Brussels will be communicated soon.
Keep a close eye on our website for more information!
Legal Members who were confirmed at least a month before the General Assembly will soon receive a convocation with further information about the voting procedures. Non-Members or Members that were confirmed between now and the General Assemblies may of course join us.
While talking about General Assemblies, we are also excited to remind you of the upcoming General Assembly of Volt Europa on 25th to 26th November in Paris.
How you can help us!
At Volt Belgium we are mostly volunteers, however, thanks to generous donations to Volt Europa, we will be offered to hire together a Full time paid Expansion Manager for Volt Belgium and Volt Luxembourg:
Find out more about this paid position
Do you want to help us in other ways? We are looking for many volunteers to help us out with:
Managing our Communications
Organising Events
Coordinating Campaigns
Growing City Teams
much more!
Check out our other volunteering vacancies
Are you feeling the campaign tingle yet?
Cause we certainly are!
With purple greetings,
Carlo Giudice & Johanna Dirlewanger-Lücke,
for the team at Volt Belgium