Functional teams explained
The four pillars
Functional teams are teams that assist the Executive Committee to keep the party running. We are working with the four pillar model in which we have four functional teams that are essential in keeping the party running. There are also other functional teams that are very important, most of which only work on a project basis.
Working with new and old members
Member management
Onboarding of new members
Buddy project
Community organisation
Establishing local teams
Community projects
Diversity project
Women empowerment
Taking care of internal and external communication
Manage communication of Volt Belgium
Marketing & Social Network
Newsletters & Announcements
Relation with press
Develop communication strategy
Communication to prospective and current members
Aid local teams in their communication
Drafting policies: making the Volt vision come true
The Policy Team is divided in different policy groups who each meet up regularly to discuss a certain policy topic, where a vision is being converted into a drafted policy. Each policy group has their own facilitator.
Organising recurring and one-time events
The event team mainly assists other functional teams and the Executive Committee in the organisation of events, be it in real life, or online.