Political Café - Migration
Migration has been a subject of vivid political discussions for a long time, with special political repercussions recenly.
Humans have roamed the planet for as long as we have existed. Frequently, migrations have been motivated by the lack of food (famines), natural disasters, conflicts or simply in the search of opportunities for a better life.
Looking at our history and the magnitude of the phenomena, we can easily conclude that migrations will continue to exist in the future, and that it is illusory to believe that flows can be simply stopped. In Volt, we believe that our best chance is to learn to manage it, so, how can we keep migration manageable?
Join Richard Kelder and Ulrike Fuss to discuss on migration and on feasible and fair solutions to the needs of both migrants and the local population.
Come and share your views and ideas for an enriching discussion!
Do not forget to bring your family, friends and colleagues, everyone is welcome!
Language: Dutch