Drink/Talk: Integration in Europe and Tervuren...
Organisers: Tervuren Unie and Volt Tervuren.
Keynote/Panel: MEP Anna Strolenberg will also hold a brief keynote speech. Prior to being elected to the European Parliament in July 2024, Anna also worked for the Dutch Refugee Network.
Panel: Dr. Mamy Rafamantanana (Tervuren) reflects on Tervuren as a cultural crossroads between Belgium, France and Madagascar
Panel: Claudia Zapata (Tervuren) Global mobility/expats
Panel: Tracey D'Afters (Tervuren) Communications Strategist
Moderator: Dafydd ab Iago (Tervuren), journalist
Tervuren has become an international melting pot at a stone's throw from the capital of Europe. Our beautiful town is a proudly Flemish with vibrant village communities. Our schools have an impressive record of enabling children of all backgrounds to master Dutch within the shortest of times. But with an ever more diverse population, what lessons can Tervuren draw from within, but also from Europe and beyond, in ensuring further integration? And with elections in two weeks, how can Tervuren secure political integration for the town's 44% of non-Belgian origin?