Volt Symposium Maastricht (EN)
Just 7 weeks before the European elections Volt will organize on April 20th and 21st an English spoken symposium with the title: Europe: what's next!?
The aim of the symposium is to let our audience be inspired by top speakers. After their pitch, they will be challenged by spirited debaters. The plenary group then disperses to discuss in workshops to draw up a new optimistic vision of the future for our continent.
We want to reach a broader audience: people who share the Volt principles: further democratization of 'Brussels', safety: standing strong together, new economy, more humane migration policy, collective approach to climate issues.
Speakers: Caroline de Gruyter (NRC columnist: challenges for Europe), Prof. Haroon Sheikh (WRR, UvA: geopolitical considerations), Prof. Catherine de Vries (Bocconi University, Milan: increased populism and right-wing movement). ), Dr. Ben Knapen (former State Secretary and Minister: the dynamics between European countries), Lise Witteman (Chief of Brussels Staff Follow the Money: critical reflections on 'Brussels'), Dr. Louise van Schaik (Clingendael Institute: the complexity of climate problems), Prof. Hannah van Zanten (Wageningen University): our food and agriculture.
You will find information about all speakers, workshops, parallel sessions and registration here.