Europees verkiezingsdebat (NL)
Register via their website - we will visit with a big purple group!
Debate in Kortrijk with multiple Dutch-speaking lead candidates for the European elections, including our Sophie in 't Veld
On Sunday, June 9, it's time to cast our vote for the regional, federal, and European elections.
The European elections are sometimes overlooked, but this is unjustified. Here too, major stakes are involved: Will Europe fulfil the ambitions of the Green Deal? How will Europe deal with conflicts, instability, and refugee flows? Moreover, for the first time, young people between 16 and 18 years old have the opportunity to vote. Although they are not obliged to vote, they do have the right to make their voices heard. Plenty of reasons, therefore, to give these European elections the attention they deserve.
European Election Debate
During this debate, we present current issues to various lead candidates and ask for their opinions, visions, and positions regarding the challenges the European Union faces. Participants will have the opportunity to participate through voting.
Practical Information
Date and time: Thursday, March 7, 2024, 19:30 – 21:00
Location: KU Leuven Campus Kulak in Kortrijk (hall E - Auditorium E1001)
19:15 Reception
19:30 Welcome by Thomas Vandenberghe, Europahuis Ryckevelde
Participants vote on proposals
Debate between the 'Lead Candidates'
Final reflections
Participants vote
21:00 Closing remarks and drinks
Karl Vandenberghe, Focus & WTV
The already known panel members are:
Rudi Kennes, PVDA
Sara Matthieu, Groen
Johan Van Overtvelt, N-VA
Tom Vandendriessche, Vlaams Belang
Hilde Vautmans, Open Vld
Bram Van Hecke, CD&V
Philippe Decoene, Vooruit
Sophie in ’t Veld, Volt
Bus Service
A bus is arranged between Bruges and Kortrijk for 50 people.
18:00 Departure from PH Boeverbos parking, K. Leopold III-Laan 41, 8200 Sint-Andries
19:00 Arrival at KUL Campus Kulak
21:30 Departure towards Sint-Andries
22:30 Arrival
The bus is free of charge. Reservation in advance is required via the registration link.
Travel with Volt!
A big purple wave will visit this debate on Thursday evening. Want to join travelling with us? Get in touch with [email protected]