Ten points for Tervuren

Ten points for Tervuren
Volt Tervuren invites you to join us on an exciting journey towards a more sustainable, cohesive and vibrant Tervuren. This ten-point programme is a step towards a future in which every voice is heard and everyone feels included in our town.
1. Diversity while maintaining Tervuren’s character: Volt Tervuren aims to engage all our residents, regardless of gender, origin, language or connections, to participate in shaping the future of our town. We envisage a town council that finally reflects the great social and cultural diversity of our community, while maintaining its rich Vlaams Brabants character. Currently, only 8 out of 27 of our town councillors are women. And none of our town council members come from the 43% of Tervuren residents of non-Belgian descent. Town hall has resolutely failed to register over 80% of non-Belgians as voters.

2. Inclusive and fully integrated municipality: We believe in equal opportunities for all, including access to quality childcare, additional educational support, affordable elderly care and more easily accessible Dutch classes. Town hall must remain open to communicating with all residents, regardless of their nationality. The council must consult all citizens on a regular basis through citizen panels, surveys, debates and when needed, referenda. As Volt Tervuren we encourage participatory democracy.
3. Quality of life: We support all our village festivals, associations and the 110 nationalities that contribute to our unique identity. We invite everyone to participate in our rich traditions and social life, contributing to a Tervuren filled with vitality, solidarity and tolerance. We seek better and more playgrounds and play opportunities for local children. Sport infrastructure must remain diverse and dynamic with more sports activities and clubs. The town strives to create a positive framework where locals and newcomers can meet and find support.
4. Strength in unity: We are dedicated to initiatives that strengthen our community. From village festivals to sporting events, our goal is to come together and support one another. Tervuren must support new initiatives that harness our diversity, welcoming everyone to contribute in their own way to further enhance our town. Through these efforts, Volt Tervuren strives for a community in which everyone feels at home.

5. Sustainable development: We promote local trade and initiatives in Tervuren and the use of short supply chains, encouraging innovation and sustainability. At the same time, we also strive to connect our Tervuren businesses with European-wide support programmes for SMEs. Together, we aim to make our town a premier destination for local entrepreneurs while preserving our community's livability and pride.
6. Inclusive mobility and infrastructure: We are dedicated to smart and accessible mobility solutions that connect our community and ensure everyone has access to our town. We address challenges such as traffic congestion and transport poverty by seeking innovative non-dogmatic solutions, including public transportation, sheltered bus stops, safe cycling and walking, and accessible roadways. Pedestrians need quality paths, benches and greater safety, especially for children. We prioritise long-term value and actively engage with residents to address their needs.

7. Environmental stewardship: Tervuren needs more green and less concrete, pragmatically benefiting both people and nature. Together, we work to make all our village centres greener and more enjoyable while helping local businesses to adopt the sustainable practices they want and need.
8. Sustainable living spaces: We prioritise energy-efficient and affordable housing while conserving beautiful Tervuren’s nature. Collaborating with residents, we aim to revitalise neighbourhoods to maintain Tervuren's charm and livability for all.

9. Financial prudence: We prioritise prudent use of resources, investing in initiatives that benefit the entire community. We listen to residents' feedback, collaborate with experts and focus on investments that have a lasting impact on current and future generations, while avoiding unnecessary expenditure. Through effective collaboration and optimal use of subsidies, we ensure investments that make a difference for all.
10. Education: Strengthening education is vital for Flanders' and Europe's future. Via education, Volt Tervuren wants to offer the best opportunities for all of our children, regardless of their origin, by investing in summer schools, after-school activities, kids’ clubs and care during holidays. We want to continue to attract the best teachers to our local schools and prepare our children to become responsible, digital natives in an interconnected world. We are also committed to helping all adults seeking adapted further education and training.