Economy & Fiscal Justice

Climate legislation is infrastructure legislation: We build down climate emissions via positive infrastructure investments to make Europe climate neutral by 2040. The transport sector is the only sector in Europe where emissions increased instead of decreasing in the last decades. Sustainable infrastructure such as Rail Infrastructure can address climate, jobs and equity at the same time and allows for climate neutrality and economic growth to co-exist. Infrastructure, such as rail, connects people. Further, we expand investments in national and cross-border electricity grids.
When we decide to make an investment in infrastructure, we have to make the investments that not just help our generation, but the next generation and two and three generations from now. We have to be stewards of the economy, the environment and our health. We have to make sure the air we breathe is clean, that the water we drink is clean and that the future of our children is more sustainable, more prosperous and more inclusive than the reality of today.
Volt heeft 5+1 fundamentele uitdagingen gedefinieerd die in elk Europees land en in heel Europa moeten worden aangepakt.
De 5 uitdagingen zijn in principe hetzelfde voor elk land, maar de implementatie kan worden aangepast aan de nationale context en rekening houden met lokale realiteiten. De +1 uitdaging - ons voorstel om de EU te hervormen en te versterken - is identiek in alle landen.