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Statement on rising vandalism and intimidation
> Volt Belgium condemns rising vandalism and intimidation and calls for respectful conduct during elections

Volt Tervuren and Tervuren Unie's joint list
Volt Tervuren, together with our electoral partner Tervuren Unie, has now now submitted a joint list with 27 candidates. The joint list aims to represent the real Tervuren: all ages and backgrounds. Diversity, experience, and renewal ensure that Tervuren is ready for the future.

Will Tervuren Merge with Overijse?
Last year, the N-VA mayors of Tervuren and Overijse, with the support of Flemish Catholics and Groen, discreetly commissioned a study to explore the possibility of merging the two municipalities. This move was made despite a clear lack of interest from the people of Tervuren regarding such a merger.

Register to vote in Tervuren
Non-Belgians first need to register to vote in town council elections on Sunday 13 October. The registration deadline of Wednesday 31 July is approaching faster than you think. It's easy to register with Itsme and eID on the dedicated federal government website: https://www.inscription.elections.fgov.be

Launch of Volt Tervuren
"Volt Tervuren stands for a democracy that embraces everyone, builds bridges across borders, and amplifies the voices of every citizen in Tervuren. Establishing a local branch of Volt in Tervuren is crucial as it brings our European vision closer to citizens, enabling concrete local action," says Sophie in 't Veld, member of the European Parliament, launching Volt on 6 May.

Volt Tervuren at June elections…
Tervuren will finally be able to vote European on 9 June. Tervurenaars Magdalena Garczyńska , Tracey D’Afters and Dafydd ab Iago are standing for elections to the Flemish Parliament and Jana Masarčová for EU elections in Slovakia. In Belgium itself, Volt is fielding a total of 72 candidates in the upcoming elections.
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