Marijke Nol

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Marijke has been living in Leuven for more than 20 years. She is an avid gamer, animal lover and creative jack-of-all-trades.

"The most important thing for me is the long term. There must be a future for our world and the young people who are growing up now. That is why I want to focus on climate. Leuven must become climate neutral as quickly as possible. 

In addition, I believe Volt is the best party to give young people a voice. Many of our members are still students and often super smart with many good ideas. I want to give them the space to make themselves heard.

For me personally, animal welfare is also very important. As a “mother” of four cats, who regularly helps stray animals in and around Leuven, I think it is high time that Leuven provides more support for organizations that always do everything they can (and more) to save animals in need."