André Terhorst

Born and raised in the Netherlands, but living in Belgium for 20 years. First in Schaarbeek and Gijzegem (near Aalst), but the past 16 years in Werchter.

I have been interested in politics since my student days, but never found a party that completely suited me. Until a few years ago, when Volt was elected to the Dutch parliament. Finally a party that I could completely agree with: European, Social, progressive, scientifically substantiated and, above all, the positive, non-populist attitude appealed to me enormously.

Because I live and work in Belgium, have my social network here, and pay taxes, I decided to become a member of Volt Belgium in order to shape the European movement in Belgium.

In November 2022, I was elected as City Co-lead Leuven and I organize the activities of the Leuven Volt team (de-facto the province of Flemish Brabant). I have put myself forward as a successor for the Dutch-speaking EU list in Belgium in order to actively contribute to the campaign. Professionally, I work as an IT Project Manager (through a consultancy company) and in my spare time you can find me in the gym, swimming pool or at a (rock) concert or one of the many large and small festivals.