Volt Europa op de trappen voor de Beurs

Volt Europa Etterbeek Program

About Volt Europa 

Volt Europa is the first pan-European party, driven by progressive values and a pragmatic approach. Active in 30 European countries, and powered by the work of local councillors elected in Cyprus, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal and Romania, Volt Europa’s cross-border approach enables citizens and political representatives to learn how shared challenges are addressed in other EU countries and regions.

For a Volt-powered Etterbeek

A climate-friendly Etterbeek

The climate crisis is disrupting lives and livelihoods, transforming cities into unlivable concrete and asphalt spaces. Volt Europa Etterbeek is convinced that the most adverse effects of climate change can be addressed through smart climate adaptation measures.

  • Renaturation of pedestrian streets: Volt Europa Etterbeek aims to promote a pilot initiative based on the ‘Tegelwippen’ project in Flanders. This project aims to replace old tiles with plants, trees and shrubs where suitable and safe, for example between the sidewalk and car lanes, and between residential spaces.  A large-scale plan for greening public spaces, inspired by the same principles of safety and decongestion followed by of the Redevelopment of Avenue de Tervuren by Brussels Mobilité, will follow this pilot project.

  • Provision of public drinking fountains: currently, Etterbeek has no public drinking fountain. Volt Europa aims to provide at least 15 public drinking fountains across the commune

  • Smart waste disposal: Volt Europa Etterbeek will initiate dialogue with the Brussels Region and Brussels Propreté to promote underground waste collection. This is essential for clean streets, public hygiene and correct waste disposal across the streets of Etterbeek, from the widest roads to the narrowest alleys.

  • Urban vegetable gardens: Volt Europa Etterbeek aims to expand the number of existing urban vegetable gardens managed by the commune in collaboration with local gardening shops, Brussels Environment and potential donors. Cared by volunteers, these gardens could provide citizens with aromatic herbs, ornamental flowers, and seasonal vegetables.

A democratic, digital and social Etterbeek 

Etterbeek is a diverse and international commune. Volt is committed to enabling the commune to thrive through its diversity, by promoting local democracy with digital, easy-access and multilingual tools. To do so, we will encourage dialogue with the Brussels-Capital region to work towards a regional platform that regroups and lists the different services the commune provides. In addition:

  • Expand ‘Fix My Street’: We will commit to widening the service “Fix My Street Brussels” for public spaces in Etterbeek. This service is essential to engage citizens in flagging and reporting issues with waste disposal, public maintenance and other damages and disturbances in public spaces.

  • More accessible and digital public services: 

    • Remote work for administrative employees of the commune: Volt Europa Etterbeek aims to promote the remote working option for the administrative employees of the commune. This policy aims to improve the work-life balance of employees, reduce traffic congestion and increase the availability of appointments provided to citizens.

    • English version of Etterbeek.Brussels: We will promote the development of the English version of Etterbeek.Brussels, which for many newcomers represents the first interaction with local and national administration. The possibility of onsite meetings and appointments should be maintained, especially in the case of dialogue with the local police force or CPAS services which should be accessible via a frontdesk during working hours. Another example would be allowing appointments in English to discuss residency and other social matters. The commune’s services should be made available in English as much as possible, to ensure new arrivals can more easily integrate, and better contribute to local activities and civic life. 

    • Truly include new residents: We will provide smart and more services to new residents in Etterbeek. New members of the community will be given a Welcome Info-Pack when they register with the commune, containing useful information about services such as free language courses, guided city tours, cultural leisure activities, and useful technical and administrative information. This information will be in French, Dutch, and English where possible.

A fair, inclusive and international Etterbeek

  • Upward adjustment of social housing targets: We aim at significantly increasing the proportion of social housing in the municipality, currently lower than the regional average (5,2% and 7,2% respectively in 2022) to reach 8% by 2035. Priority should also be given to housing housing "with a social vocation", that is AIS (Agences immobilières sociales) and affordable ownership housing as those proposed by CityDev which should make up 5% of the housing stock in Etterbeek by 2035. To this end, large redevelopment in the commune such as the current site of the Leopold Clinic should be transformed in majority into public social housing under the management of Log’Iris.

  • Increase in the number of energy-efficient buildings: We will advocate for an increase in the number of new energy-efficient buildings. In this way, we will protect the residents from spikes in energy prices and temperature.

  • Towards an inclusive renovation of the former Town Hall: Being one of the major infrastructures rehabilitation projects in the commune, the redevelopment of the old Town Hall site needs to be achieved in a much more inclusive way. Volt proposes to dedicate 50% of the future apartments to public social housing (10% in the current project) and make sure to convert 20% of the remaining apartments into affordable ownership housing. Beside the housing aspect of the project and the future Baron Lambert Polyclinic, a cultural space dedicated to students and residents is to be established.

  • Cultural and socialisation programme: Culture creates a sense of belonging. We will partner with institutes and groups to organise a series of cultural and leisure activities for residents to get to know each other better. Inspired by Studenterhus in Aarhus, Denmark, locals will also have the chance to rent rooms in public-owned spaces to organise their own events and classes for free or a small fee. Activities in French, Dutch, English and other languages will all be eligible.

  • De Maelbeek: A House for European Culture: The complex of De Maelbeek includes a theatre, a sports hall, a music school and several student facilities. Its spaces and central location make it an essential asset for the community in Etterbeek. Volt Europa Etterbeek is committed to implementing a consistent fundraising and partnership campaign to make sure that De Maelbeek remains a central meeting point for the Flemish community while also opening its spaces to activities showcasing the different cultures of Etterbeek.

  • Science festival by local schools: Etterbeek counts 17 schools of different levels and languages. We aim to bring their communities together by organising a yearly festival where pupils and students can prepare science projects as lively and interactive exhibitions.  

  • Recognise female trailblazers in public spaces: We will advocate for remembering and celebrating more Belgian women in politics, science, sport and the arts by renaming streets and squares where appropriate. We will open a public consultation with residents to decide the best way to proceed. 

  • Implementing gender budgeting at the communal level: Many governments and institutions throughout the world now use gender budgeting methods in order to ensure that the measures taken by the local administration and the allocation of the financial resources contributes to women’s development and needs.

  • Ensuring animal welfare in Etterbeek: We will advocate for developing the existing dog parks into true playgrounds for our four-legged friends, ensuring that they have access to safe and amusing physical exercise. 

An Etterbeek on the move

Sustainable mobility is essential to public health, as it helps reduce exposure to chemical and noise pollution, and hence respiratory diseases and hearing loss.

  • Clear and universal standards for bike paths: Volt Europa Etterbeek is committed to achieving clear and uniform standards for cycling paths across our commune, especially at the junctions of major streets and avenues, as achieved in Avenue de Tervuren and its roundaboutsThis is necessary to ensure residents enjoy equal conditions in accessing and exercising their right to sustainable mobility. 

  • An ambitious and inclusion vision of bicycle parking: Etterbeek as currently around 50 drop zones and public and secure parking ('velo-boxes'), far from the 250 initially envisioned - and needed. Volt Europa Etterbeek will ensure that this target is reached by increasing the number of secure parking places in areas that are less covered and strenghten the coverage of bicycle hoops in the whole commune. Furthermore, certain commercial spaces, if considered insalubrious or unsuitable for commercial activity, should be renovated and converted into indoor bicycle garages, accessible via a CycloParking subscription. This way, specific parking spaces should be made available for non-standard bikes (e.g. cargo-bikes).

  • Monthly car-free Sundays: We will advocate for one car-free Sunday a month to lower pollution, open up spaces for pedestrians and cyclists, and encourage people of all ages to discover more about what their commune has to offer.

  • Increasing the number of connections serving Merode and Etterbeek railway stations: Volt Europa Etterbeek will promote dialogue with Ixelles and other neighbouring communes, the region of Brussels and SNCB to increase the number of trains serving the Merode and Etterbeek railway stations.

An Etterbeek safe for everyone

Volt Europa Etterbeek believes that public safety is fundamental to community well-being.

  • Environmental-friendly and safe street lights: Street lights at major junction points must stay on after sunset, like the areas around Montgomery roundabout, on Tervuren Avenue and Boulevard Saint Michel. Motion sensors could be used to ensure they brighten up to allow for pedestrians to safely walk home at night, and then dim again to allow residents to sleep.

  • A clearer role for Gardiens de la paix: Volt Europa Etterbeek supports clarifying the tasks of the Gardiens de la paix to ensure that residents know why, how and when to contact them. Evening and night time patrols should also be organised more often, especially around parks and streets lacking public lighting. 

A SMEs- friendly Etterbeek

Volt Europa Etterbeek is committed to supporting local shops and small businesses for a thriving local economy.

  • A food delivery platform managed by the commune as proposed by the Volt coalition in the city of Darmstadt, Germany, Volt Europa Etterbeek proposes the development of a digital platform featuring local restaurants and managed by the commune. Without the intermediation of a third company, more profits will be retained by local businesses. 

  • Digital visibility of local businesses: We will advocate for creating a digital map of locally-owned shops to make them more visible to residents, associated with the previously mentioned platform.

  • Strengthening existing systems: Volt Europa Etterbeek will explore a wider use of the Broebel checks, which are coupons that can be used in selected local shops. We will also examine possibilities to integrate and align with the broader Brussels region to not exclude shops and develop a “pan-communal economy".

  • Overhaul of the La Chasse shopping area: With 17% of all commercial spaces currently vacant, the district of la Chasse is in dire need for revitalisation. To ensure its “economic rebirth”, Volt wishes to help new local businesses by providing a two years exemption of property tax (précompte immobilier) that may be extended to an additional two years if the break-even point is not reached. In addition, the creation of new green spaces, terraces and benches is also to be envisioned, in concertation with local businesses and residents. 

Meet our candidates

List 14 - Volt Europa Etterbeek